Senior Manager of Field Personnel Tim Mosley has helped many students from his hometown learn trades and start careers at 澳门足彩app.



澳门足彩app construction leader Tim Mosley helps NEFBA and Clay County schools extend carpentry, 焊接, 暖通空调, 制图和电气学徒.


Tim Mosley attributes his successful construction career to a solid work ethic, 学习的欲望和叔叔及时的建议. 现在, 担任澳门足彩app的现场人事高级经理, 莫斯利正在为他的家乡克莱县的高中生提供帮助, 佛罗里达, 同样坚实的开端.

莫斯利的建筑生涯可以追溯到他叔叔在田纳西州的农场. 这位克莱县本地人小时候夏天都和叔叔在一起度过. 莫斯利永远不会忘记这个建议.


作为奥兰治公园高中的新生, 莫斯利报了两门建筑选修课——木工和电气. As fate would have it, he was assigned to the carpentry unit and immediately found his calling.

克莱县50多年来一直有广泛的贸易计划. Mosley acquired practical knowledge building portable classrooms that were used throughout the county. 他在高中时就找到了一份画框工的工作, so he would attend English and math classes in the morning and frame buildings in the afternoon.

他的导师是高中教师赫维·罗宾逊, who saw Mosley’s potential and interest in carpentry and allowed him to take advanced courses while still a freshman. Because he fulfilled the three-year carpentry program at the end of his junior year, 他在大四的时候学会了焊接技术.

每年, 罗宾逊向一名木工学生颁发了金锤奖, 哪一个荣誉的木工技能和专业. 莫斯利认为他很有可能赢得比赛. 罗宾逊想了想.

“He said I was a little too rowdy for the award and he wasn’t going to give it to me,莫斯利回忆道.

看到别人赢得这个奖项让他难以忘怀. 澳门足彩app offered him the opportunity to enter the 学徒 program offered by the Northeast 佛罗里达 Builders Association (NEFBA) and, 后来的生活, pursued his education to learn management skills and Spanish to communicate better with Hispanic employees.

Robinson’s example also impressed upon Mosley the importance of 学徒 opportunities for young people. He now uses his position with 澳门足彩app to work with the Clay County School District and NEFBA to provide 学徒s in carpentry, 焊接, 暖通空调, 制图和电气.

莫斯利解释说,不要把学徒制和实习制混为一谈. College internships aren’t regulated, and often the student works for free to gain experience. Apprenticeships are regulated by federal and state guidelines and are paid positions. 学徒们白天工作,每周上几个晚上的课.

每年, 澳门足彩app hosts an awards luncheon for more than 100 high school students to express the importance of taking a career seriously. 许多人以学徒身份加入公司,成为永久工艺员工(pce)。.

澳门足彩app’s groundbreaking 四氯乙烯 program was established in the mid-1970s when the company extended full-time employment and benefits to skilled tradespeople, 为这些专业人员提供稳定性并提高项目标准. 今天, 这个团体大约有100名工匠,其中一些是根据他们的潜力挑选出来的, 因为他们的专业知识. 最终, they become masters in their trades and play a foundational role in the safety, 质量, 以及他们所从事项目的效率.

20岁的Ethan Weiskircher是他学徒生涯的最后一年. 2019年从里奇维尤高中毕业后,他就加入了哈斯凯尔, 他四年都是木工课程的一员. He’s part of a crew working on a six-story addition to Baptist Hospital Fleming Island.


Weiskircher说:“在这里,你可以学到70%甚至更多. “但是去上课和学习书本知识是有帮助的. 很多人来这里是因为他们想用他们的手. But by using the knowledge from the 学徒, it gives you a boost out here in the field.”


“我没有任何搬到其他地方的计划,”他说. “高中毕业两周后,我开始与哈斯克尔合作. 这是一份不错的工作.”

Workers with apprentice credentials walk into a prospective employer’s office with advantages, 莫斯利说. Former apprentices start at a higher wage and are given more responsibility because they have shown an eagerness to learn and work.

莫斯利在1989年完成了他的学徒计划. 1992年,他成为哈斯克尔公司的木工工头.

“The industry is looking for people who want careers and not just a job,” he said.

Mosley brings his real-world experience to the apprentice classroom as a certified Subject Matter Expert by the National Center for 建设 教育 and Research. He and other certified construction professionals regularly review the 学徒 curriculum. 随着新的施工技术的发展和新设备的使用, 它被添加到课程中. 澳门足彩app经常提供用于教学的设备.

莫斯利经常在克莱县贸易学校的课堂上做演讲嘉宾. 他分享了自己的故事,并强调了学徒的重要性.

他说:“我告诉他们我有两个选择——参军或者去工作。. “I opted out of the military and chose construction, and I have never looked back.”

He is reminded of his days as an apprentice nearly every day when he enters the 澳门足彩app Building on Riverside Avenue in Jacksonville.

“作为学徒,我帮助建造了这座大楼,”他说. “我从来没有想过有一天我会坐在这里的河边办公室里.”

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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